
Sim Hwee Hwang

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Volume 6

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Sim Hwee Hwang (National Institute of Education, Singapore) Keywords Primary Social Studies Primary School Primary Social Studies Abstract Stories are often used by teachers to transmit knowledge, values and dispositions, deepen understanding and develop critical thinking in children. The power of stories and storytelling is highlighted in this article which focuses on why and how stories […]

Sim Hwee Hwang (National Institute of Education, Singapore)

Primary Social Studies
Primary School
Primary Social Studies

Stories are often used by teachers to transmit knowledge, values and dispositions, deepen understanding and develop critical thinking in children. The power of stories and storytelling is highlighted in this article which focuses on why and how stories can be used for teaching primary social studies concepts and generalisations, how to choose suitable story books for children, and how to use some of them in the classroom. Three teaching approaches, namely, the shared book approach, the integrated biographical inquiry and storytelling are featured along with ideas of how these may be applied during lessons.

Since the beginning of time, stories have been handed down from one generation to another in various societies. Stories help to transmit knowledge, culture, traditions, beliefs, morals and values of a community.  They can make us laugh at ourselves, hold our breath, feel excited and be encouraged and uplifted in our spirit when we are down. Through stories, we can learn more about ourselves, the humanity and the world we live in (Sim, 2004). As stories are rich resources, they can be used for teaching and learning.

Why Use Stories for Primary Social Studies Teaching and Learning?
Generally, researchers have found that young students are able to recall and describe things that are crucial to them because of their familiarity with using narrative thinking modes (Bruner, 1990; Downey & Levstik, 1991; Egan, 1988, 1990). Stories are usually organized in a format that comprises a person/group of people with certain goal/s and who use/s particular strategies to achieve these goal/s which can lead them to certain outcomes. This goal-strategy-outcome format enables students to remember story details and bridge from the known to the unknown. When narratives about the past are used, students are able to see the time, place and situation through the eyes of the people in the stories. Such narratives can develop students’ empathy and combat their tendencies towards presentism when thinking about the past, and chauvinism when thinking about other cultures. They can be powerful tools to help them learn about different places and environments.

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Chua Shuyi (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Social Studies Secondary School Primary School Social Studies; Social Studies Education; Singapore; Teacher Professional Learning Introduction Many teachers tell stories. They take a story, whether their own or another’s, and turn it into the experience of their listeners (Benjamin, 1968). The story, which relates events that have happened, […]

Chua Shuyi (National Institute of Education (Singapore))

Social Studies
Secondary School
Primary School
Social Studies; Social Studies Education; Singapore; Teacher Professional Learning

Many teachers tell stories. They take a story, whether their own or another’s, and turn it into the experience of their listeners (Benjamin, 1968). The story, which relates events that have happened, stands in contrast against other types of telling such as a description, exposition or argument, which are commonly associated with social studies education. Stories are pervasive and powerful. They communicate experiences and information in a manner that entices listeners and encourages responses. In fact, some believe that storytelling is a pan-global phenomenon, unique to all cultures in the human race (White, 1980). It is not surprising that many teachers tell stories in their classrooms, for stories are profound experiences for learners of every level. Stories can be told spontaneously according to a teacher’s gut feelings or in a planned manner such as a premeditated sharing of a story from the textbook. In this article, I will demonstrate how stories have been used by social studies teachers to achieve various citizenship aims and suggest that stories have an important place in the teacher’s pedagogical toolbox.

When do teachers tell stories? For many teachers, the magic is in the moment. Many do not plan to tell stories, but tell them as the opportunity arises (see Jackson, 1995). Yet, for others, story materials are deliberately chosen and weaved into their lesson plans to achieve specific purposes (Egan, 1986). Why do teachers tell stories? Stories have a privileged status among the different types of information as they are easy to comprehend and remember, not only because people pay close attention to them, but also because of something inherent in the story structure that makes them so (Willingham, 2004). They are carriers of values and knowledge that can be put to use both in school and beyond (Hensel & Rasco, 1992). Lastly, stories are not only good for transmitting knowledge but they are also the knowledge we want students to have (Jackson, 1995). Knowing particular stories make us part of a community. Whether or not one agrees with it, it would be surprising for a Singaporean not to know “The Singapore Story”, the tale of Singapore’s rapid transformation from third world to first under the governance of the People’s Action Party (PAP).


Sim Hwee Hwang (National Institute of Education, Singapore) P. Ananthi (Woodgrove Primary School (Singapore)) Keywords Primary Social Studies Primary School Primary Social Studies Abstract One cannot assume that learning will necessarily take place just because children are doing group work. To ensure that productive learning takes place, there is a need to infuse elements of cooperative learning […]

Sim Hwee Hwang (National Institute of Education, Singapore)
P. Ananthi (Woodgrove Primary School (Singapore))

Primary Social Studies
Primary School
Primary Social Studies

One cannot assume that learning will necessarily take place just because children are doing group work. To ensure that productive learning takes place, there is a need to infuse elements of cooperative learning into the group activities. In this article, the key principles and structures of cooperative learning as well as the benefits of using cooperative learning are discussed. Some suggestions on the use of cooperative learning, together with classroom examples are also presented.

What is Cooperative Learning?
As a teacher, you might have observed that your students can get into groups naturally for interactive play during recess. They can display a high level of engagement and this may prompt you to think of introducing group work in your primary social studies lessons to maximise your students’ interest and learning. However, just by having students in groups and expecting them to work together do not mean that learning will necessarily take place. To ensure learning is productive, you need to integrate elements of cooperative learning into group activities. Cooperative learning is an umbrella term for a set of instructional models that requires students to work and interact together in small groups for the promotion of individual and group members’ learning (Kagan, 1994; Morton 2008; Slavin, 2011). Although such instructional models can vary in how cooperative learning is structured, all of them have common essential elements that make them cooperative in nature. According to Johnson and Johnson (1988, 1989, 1999a), these elements are positive interdependence, individual accountability, face-to-face promotive interaction, social skills and group processing.

a. Establishing Positive Interdependence
For cooperative learning to work, teachers need to structure positive interdependence. Students need to learn that group success depends on the efforts and success of all group members. Teachers can foster positive interdependence through goal interdependence (“Make sure you and the rest learn the materials”), reward interdependence (“Each group member will get a reward if all the group members attain 90 plus for their test”), resource interdependence (“Each one of you will receive a part of the materials”) and role interdependence (“Take on the role of either a reader, a checker, an encourager or a elaborator in your group”).

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Sim Hwee Hwang (National Institute of Education, Singapore) P. Ananthi (Woodgrove Primary School (Singapore)) Keywords Primary Social Studies Primary School Primary Social Studies Abstract This article is a continuation of the previous article entitled, “Let’s have Cooperative Learning for Lessons!” In this article, how to plan, organize and conduct productive cooperative learning in the primary social studies […]

Sim Hwee Hwang (National Institute of Education, Singapore)
P. Ananthi (Woodgrove Primary School (Singapore))

Primary Social Studies
Primary School
Primary Social Studies

This article is a continuation of the previous article entitled, “Let’s have Cooperative Learning for Lessons!” In this article, how to plan, organize and conduct productive cooperative learning in the primary social studies classroom will be featured. Suggestions on managing challenging student behaviours for successful cooperative learning and the assessment and reflection of such lessons are also highlighted.

Planning Cooperative Learning Lessons
Cooperative learning refers to a set of instructional modes that requires students to work and interact together in small groups for the promotion of individual and group members’ learning. It is useful in the promotion of academic achievement and the development of thinking and interpersonal skills and dispositions such as appreciation of individual differences.  When planning a cooperative learning lesson, we need to take into consideration the content, lesson objectives, concepts and generalizations, unit questions, students’ prior knowledge or experience with the topic, task(s), cooperative learning models to adopt or adapt, and resources, time and space available. These considerations are generally no different from the planning considerations for other non-cooperative learning lessons. But the big difference is that for cooperative learning lessons, cooperative learning structures or models are integrated into the lessons.

For primary social studies teachers attempting to incorporate cooperative learning into their lessons for the first time, it is best to select a familiar lesson or topic so that they can focus on mastering the cooperative learning model and process and not the lesson content (Abrami, Chambers, Poulsen, De Simone, D’ Appolonia & Howden, 1995). Before choosing the cooperative learning model, it would serve them well to ask the question, “Would group work help my students achieve the academic goals and develop particular social skills?” If the answer is yes, then consider the appropriate type of structure or model to use. Alternatively, they can modify an existing structure or model. Refer to Strategy Example 1 in the article entitled, “Let’s Have Cooperative Learning for Lessons!” They should start with simple informal cooperative learning structures such as think-pair share, round robin or numbered-heads-together before moving to more complex models like the Jigsaw, Group Investigation and Structured Academic Controversy which require more planning, are more demanding and are more suited for upper primary students. When complex models are adopted, it is important to ensure that the content chosen is substantial and challenging to offer students scope for self-directed, independent and constructive learning with their peers.

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HSSE Online EDITORIAL Cultivating multiple perspectives or different ways of seeing and thinking about the world is an essential aspect of humanities and social studies education. The articles in this issue provide different perspectives for readers to consider as lenses for understanding places, society, curriculum, politics, and others. In the first article, Evangeline O. Katigbak […]

Past Issues

02 Mar 2023

Volume 6, Issue 1 2017


Cultivating multiple perspectives or different ways of seeing and thinking about the world is an essential aspect of humanities and social studies education. The articles in this issue provide different perspectives for readers to consider as lenses for understanding places, society, curriculum, politics, and others.

In the first article, Evangeline O. Katigbak offers the lenses of translocality and “worlding practices” to understand the geographies of place. She suggests place-based learning activities to help students interrogate everyday experiences in local sites and think about “being-in-the-world” as fundamental to geography and geographic education.

Hui Yang, Peidong Yang, and Shaohua Zhan use economic and demographic lenses for examining Singapore’s current immigration landscape and labor policies. Their article also explains “bottom-up” local reactions as well as “top-down” government policies to manage the opportunities and challenges Singapore faces in terms of economic development and demographic change.

The third article by J. Spencer Clark features the value of international videoconferencing and the sharing of perspectives between multi-ethnic and multi-faith secondary students from Macedonia and the United States. In his study, Clark examines the role of inquiry, public voice, audience, and positionality in discussing and understanding different values, attitudes, and beliefs about LGBTQ civil rights. Students in Clark’s study critically interrogate the often-pervasive role of silence that limits the ways students’ understand and publicly deliberate issues related to LGBTQ rights.

Johannis Auri Bin Abdul Aziz writes on Singapore’s upcoming presidential election and provides an overview of the different perspectives that seem to be at play in Singapore. The article surveys public opinion, research studies, and official views to identify controversies and different perspectives that seem to be central to the election.

The final article by Rabiah Angullia draws on multicultural and social semiotic theories to offer a critical perspective on how diversity and identity are treated in the Primary Two Social Studies curriculum. Through her examination of images and text in the readers used in the curriculum, Angullia finds that static and overly simplified representations of diversity and identity are offered that likely fail to help students think about pertinent issues that are central to diversity and identity, such as stereotyping, bias, the multiple facets of identity, and more meaningful social relations. 

Mark Baildon
Editor, HSSE Online
June 2017

The Elected Presidency

Johannis Auri Bin Abdul Aziz (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Social Studies Junior College Secondary School Identity Singapore Scheduled for September, the coming presidential election

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HSSE Online EDITORIAL This special edition of primary social studies for HSSE Online focuses on the what, the why and the how of social studies

Past Issues

02 Mar 2023

Volume 6, Issue 2 2017


This special edition of primary social studies for HSSE Online focuses on the what, the why and the how of social studies education for primary students. The driving force behind this issue stems from the deep conviction of the primary social studies teacher educators in HSSE that the subject must be taught meaningfully and powerfully in schools for effective citizenship education.   Meaningful and powerful teaching is necessary for our young to gain relevant knowledge and understandings of Singapore and the world, acquire essential skills and develop civic-minded values and dispositions to be informed, concerned and participative citizens. Such citizens are invaluable to the health and development of any society as they seek to exercise their agency in their varied spheres of influence to make a difference to others in the society and the complex world around them. Furthermore, social studies is the only humanities subject in the primary school curriculum and teaching it well would provide an excellent foundation for students’ further study of the humanities subjects, namely history, geography and social studies, when they proceed to secondary schools. The humanities offers us a way to understand ourselves as human beings, and the issues and challenges which we encounter in our interactions with others in myriad contexts. It benefits us through examining critical issues using multiple and varied lenses, through discourses amongst various communities and fostering critical reasoning about human values and traditions.

In this issue, the nine articles, organized around three themes, are included to support teachers in teaching primary social studies meaningfully and powerfully. The first theme focuses on what is social studies in general, and Singapore social studies in particular. The second theme revolves around what to teach in primary social studies and how to teach it. The final theme is on how to organize students for effective group learning of primary social studies in a social constructivist classroom.

Under the first theme, the article by Susan Adler and Kho Ee Moi explores the nature and purpose of social studies for citizenship education with the aim of showing the relevance and importance of teaching the subject well. They discuss teachers’ orientations towards the subject and highlight some key knowledge, skills and values essential to developing young people to become informed, concerned and participative citizens and provide some examples of what effective lessons may look like. The next article by Kho Ee Moi focuses on social studies as citizenship education in Singapore. Her article examines how social studies in Singapore has evolved over the years from “moulding” citizens to developing critical thinkers.

Under the second theme, the article by Susan Adler and Kho Ee Moi discusses how teachers can enhance student understanding through planning instruction around big ideas which refer to the key concepts and generalizations that underpin the curriculum. Under the same theme, Doreen Tan and Sim Hwee Hwang examine what is history and geography respectively and suggest how the core concepts and skills in these two disciplines can be taught in the primary social studies classroom.  Also under the same theme, Sim Hwee Hwang highlights the power of stories in teaching social studies effectively and elaborates on three teaching approaches, namely, the shared book approach, the integrated biographical inquiry and storytelling, for integrating stories in class. Chua Shuyi extends on the power of stories and storytelling in the classroom by showcasing four stories told in secondary classrooms to illustrate the possible variety of purposes of storytelling. Although these stories were observed in secondary classrooms, Shuyi shows how these can have applications in primary social studies as well.       

Under the third theme, Sim Hwee Hwang and P. Ananthi point out that putting children into groups does not necessarily guarantee that productive and meaningful learning will take place. They argue that it is important to structure the elements of cooperative learning into the group activities. In their first article on cooperative learning, they describe the key principles, structures and benefits of cooperative learning, and illustrate with some classroom examples to show how the integration of cooperative learning can be achieved. In their second article, they elaborate on how to plan, organize and conduct productive cooperative learning for teaching primary social studies. Suggestions on how to manage challenging student behaviours for successful cooperative learning and the assessment and reflection of such lessons are also highlighted. 

Sim Hwee Hwang
Chee Min Fui
Kho Ee Moi
Editors, HSSE Online

What is Social Studies?

Susan Adler (University of Missouri-Kansas City) Kho Ee Moi (National Institute of Education, Singapore) Keywords Primary Social Studies Primary School Primary Social Studies Abstract This paper explores

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What is History Teaching?

H Doreen Tan (Singapore International School (Hong Kong)) Keywords Primary Social Studies Primary School Primary Social Studies Abstract This article looks at the nature of history

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