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The Pedagogical Affordances of Game-Based Learning: “Getting To Zero” And Pro-Environmental Action

Ong Zhiqing(National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School In light of concerns over global warming, environmental education has been touted as a means of raising environmental consciousness and effecting transformative change. This paper evaluates the pedagogical affordances of gamification or game based learning in motivating pro-environmental action. In particular, this paper […]

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Climate Change Education In Singapore: A Survey of Science Teachers

Goh Xin Fang (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School Action has been taken by governments and international organisations to address the global implications of climate change brought about by economic development that is unsustainable. In Singapore, climate change education is one of the numerous strategies mobilised by the state to mitigate

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Teachers’ Perceptions of Climate Change Induced Heat Stress and Related Heat Management Strategies In Singapore’s Schools

Karina Lalchand Sheri (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School Global warming is palpable in Singapore. Given that most classrooms in the country are largely affected by rising ambient temperatures, students are susceptible to heat stress, which undermines their learning productivity. This qualitative study sought to understand what six secondary school teachers

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Mega Dams and Their Impacts On Downstream Sand Bar and Island Dynamics Along The Madeira River, Brazil

Karina Lalchand Sheri (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School This paper investigates the impact of both Santo Antônio and Jirau mega dams on the downstream geomorphology of, more specifically, island and bar dynamics along the Madeira River in the Amazon. Water level data from gauge stations and remote sensing images from

Mega Dams and Their Impacts On Downstream Sand Bar and Island Dynamics Along The Madeira River, Brazil Read More »

Single-Use Plastics: A Survey of Pre-Service Secondary School Teachers In Singapore

Jean Lim Le Hui (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School The excessive use of disposable plastics coupled with Singapore’s low 4% recycling rate of plastic waste renders this a significant environmental problem (National Environment Agency 2022). It is widely acknowledged that public school teachers play a crucial role in inculcating environmentally

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Analysing The Pedagogical Affordances of A Carbon Calculator Application (Adva) and Its Role In Environmental Education

Colin Leong Tze Yeen(National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School The effects of global warming are palpable and Singapore has begun the pursuit of carbon neutrality as a goal. Accordingly, the country’s Ministry of Education has launched the Eco Stewardship Programme in a bid to foster sustainable practices among students. Meanwhile,

Analysing The Pedagogical Affordances of A Carbon Calculator Application (Adva) and Its Role In Environmental Education Read More »

The Paradoxical Hydrology Of Tonlé Sap Lake: Groundwater Extraction And Land Subsidence

Ayshathun Munavvara (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School A close examination of Tonlé Sap Lake reveals a paradox — its flood extent has increased despite a reduction in water volume. Agricultural intensification in Cambodia has led to unsustainable rates of groundwater use for irrigation. This paper postulates that land subsidence due

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Using LORMS to Assess Conceptual Understanding of Change and Continuity in Upper Secondary History Examinations

Seow Yongzhi (Broadrick Secondary School (Singapore) Keywords History Approaches to teaching history This paper identifies a gap between the teaching and assessment of historical concepts in upper secondary history in national examinations. It proposes four structured-essay question (SEQ) framings to assess students’ understanding of change and continuity, to be graded using the Levels of Response Mark

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Asking ‘How’ to Infuse Temporality into Upper Secondary Historical Inquiry

Lim Ying Xuan (Chung Cheng High School (Yishun),(Singapore) Keywords History Approaches to teaching history This article proposes the usage of ‘how’ questions to develop historical understandings and an appreciation of the historical process. ‘How’ inquiries elicit a temporal dimension that is necessary for historical understanding, especially bolstering the concept of chronology. This article contends that more

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Historical Investigation: The Importance of Process over Product in the Historical Discipline

Oh Ying Jie (Beatty Secondary School (Singapore) Keywords History Approaches to teaching history Since its inception in 2014, Historical Investigation (HI) has been an integral part of the lower secondary history syllabus. However, some history educators have found the process to be extremely tedious and many would rather opt for direct instruction or to undertake a

Historical Investigation: The Importance of Process over Product in the Historical Discipline Read More »

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