Past Issues

11 May 2023

Volume 11, Issue 1 2022


This volume of HSSE Online continues our conversation on history education. In this volume, history educators, pre-service teachers, and experienced practitioners reflect on the “knowledge-turn” within the history curriculum. In recent years, the subject of history is no longer seen as the mere acquisition of facts about the past. Rather, it is seen as a study of how these pieces of ‘truths’ about the past were constructed and deconstructed. While acknowledging the constraints of the classroom, our contributors discuss the value of this knowledge-turn in classroom History – what are the opportunities and challenges, and their implications on classroom practice.
There are two key concerns shared by the contributors of this volume: (a) what does it mean to engage in knowledge work in the discipline of history, and (b) how best to introduce disciplinary aspects of historical knowledge work in the classroom?
The first two papers addresses these concerns through the idea of vertical progression. In her paper, Going Beyond Facts: Developing Conceptual Understanding in Young Historians, Candice Seet and her team examines the opportunities within the curriculum to engage in knowledge work through a conceptual lens. Furthermore, they propose that the same concepts should be revisited each academic year as a student progresses through their secondary education.
Lloyd Yeo et al complements the preceding authors by giving the reader a timely reminder that students do not enter the history classroom as tabula rasas. In their paper, Use of Cartoons to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions of History in a (Singapore) School, they demonstrate how students enter the classroom with preconceived notions of what the past is, and how novel classroom activities such as cartooning can transform these alternative conception into incision points for educators to engender conceptual change, and help students transit from a presentist sense to a historical lens.
The discussion over the role of knowledge work in the historical classroom continues in the next two papers. They collectively argue that historical knowledge work is best facilitated through the alignment of curriculum and practice with the functions of the discipline. In Oh Ying Jie’s paper, Historical Investigation: The Importance of Process over Product in the Historical Discipline, she reflects on the role of inquiry in developing historical thinking dispositions in students. She argues that the spirit of a Historical Investigation lies in the authentic process of inquiry as a learning experience, and not in the end products.
The next paper is similarly interested in helping students acquire how historical knowledge is constructed. In his paper, Asking ‘How’ to Infuse Temporality into Upper Secondary Historical Inquiry, Ying Xuan argues that the questions educators use to guide inquiry in the classroom has an influence on the manner students interact with the past, and therefore beyond merely asking why things happened, how things happened is an equally valuable inquiry question.
The last two papers view the knowledge turn through the lenses of historical writing. Similar to the preceding set of papers, these contributors argue that there remains room for greater alignment between the discipline of history and the classroom teaching and assessment of history. In his paper, Using LORMS to Assess Conceptual Understanding of Change and Continuity in Upper Secondary History Examinations, Seow Yongzhi argues that the second-order concept of “Change and Continuity” has been underserved in summative assessments in Singapore. He proposes the integration of explicit questions assessing for Change and Continuity in the Singaporean secondary school context, and examines how student responses built upon this concept can be mapped onto a level of response marking scheme (LORMS).

The final paper in this issue asks the question What does it Mean to Make Comparisons?, and Edward Tan is concerned with how better to align the act of making source-based comparisons to disciplinary practices in history. He demonstrates the role of comparisons and corroborations within the discipline, and how they are used to generate historical knowledge — first by breaking down the different modes of comparisons historians carryout, then by examining how historians compare. Viewing comparisons as an act of classification, the paper goes on to examine the heuristics of comparisons and corroboration and some possible tools to translate these into the classroom.

Edward Tan Yu Fan and Suhaimi Afandi


July 2022

What does it mean to make comparisons?


Edward Tan Yu Fan (Ministry of Education (Singapore) Keywords History Approaches to teaching history The comparison of sources forms a cornerstone of the historical discipline; however, there remains room for exploration in terms of what are the various moves that goes into the operations of comparing between sources. This article examines the role of comparisons, […]

Edward Tan Yu Fan (Ministry of Education (Singapore)

Approaches to teaching history

The comparison of sources forms a cornerstone of the historical discipline; however, there remains room for exploration in terms of what are the various moves that goes into the operations of comparing between sources. This article examines the role of comparisons, and corroborations, in academic History, and gleams from it meaningful considerations and processes that can potentially inform classroom practices.

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 Appendix 1 143 KB
 Appendix 2 221 KB
 Appendix 3 234 KB

Using LORMS to Assess Conceptual Understanding of Change and Continuity in Upper Secondary History Examinations


Seow Yongzhi (Broadrick Secondary School (Singapore) Keywords History Approaches to teaching history This paper identifies a gap between the teaching and assessment of historical concepts in upper secondary history in national examinations. It proposes four structured-essay question (SEQ) framings to assess students’ understanding of change and continuity, to be graded using the Levels of Response Mark […]

Seow Yongzhi (Broadrick Secondary School (Singapore)

Approaches to teaching history

This paper identifies a gap between the teaching and assessment of historical concepts in upper secondary history in national examinations. It proposes four structured-essay question (SEQ) framings to assess students’ understanding of change and continuity, to be graded using the Levels of Response Mark Scheme (LORMS). The four framings are: the evaluation question, the watershed question, the given change question, and the periodisation question. These SEQ framings are practical and useful because they (1) dovetail with humanities teachers’ training and present practice, (2) structure scaffolds for conceptual teaching of change and continuity, and (3) provide a pathway for lateral expansion of assessment practices, to align with the syllabus and Teaching and Learning Guide (TLG).

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 Appendix A 315 KB
 Appendix B 170 KB
 Appendix C 219 KB
 Appendix D 138 KB


Asking ‘How’ to Infuse Temporality into Upper Secondary Historical Inquiry


Lim Ying Xuan (Chung Cheng High School (Yishun),(Singapore) Keywords History Approaches to teaching history This article proposes the usage of ‘how’ questions to develop historical understandings and an appreciation of the historical process. ‘How’ inquiries elicit a temporal dimension that is necessary for historical understanding, especially bolstering the concept of chronology. This article contends that more […]

Lim Ying Xuan (Chung Cheng High School (Yishun),(Singapore)

Approaches to teaching history

This article proposes the usage of ‘how’ questions to develop historical understandings and an appreciation of the historical process. ‘How’ inquiries elicit a temporal dimension that is necessary for historical understanding, especially bolstering the concept of chronology. This article contends that more thought should be put into the pairings of question forms with particularities of the past. Classroom inquiry should be further modelled on the approaches used by professional historians, pairing an often neglected ‘how’ dimension to the ‘why’ dimension that predominates current inquiries. Asking ‘how’ resists a ‘flattened’ form of history that inhibits understanding of second-order historical concepts, and prevents students from falling into rabbit holes of factorization and weighing that are acutely ahistorical and unnuanced. This article contends that students are already equipped with some of the necessary tools for teachers to use ‘how’ more often in classrooms. In the quest for greater historical understanding, asking the historical ‘how’ appears as the next practicable step to help students have a better glimpse into the historian’s craft.

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Historical Investigation: The Importance of Process over Product in the Historical Discipline


Oh Ying Jie (Beatty Secondary School (Singapore) Keywords History Approaches to teaching history Since its inception in 2014, Historical Investigation (HI) has been an integral part of the lower secondary history syllabus. However, some history educators have found the process to be extremely tedious and many would rather opt for direct instruction or to undertake a […]

Oh Ying Jie (Beatty Secondary School (Singapore)

Approaches to teaching history

Since its inception in 2014, Historical Investigation (HI) has been an integral part of the lower secondary history syllabus. However, some history educators have found the process to be extremely tedious and many would rather opt for direct instruction or to undertake a simplistic version of HI. This article looks at why HI remains essential to the teaching and learning of history as a discipline and why teachers should place emphasis on “the process” rather than simply on “the product” when designing HI.

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Use of Cartoons to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions of History in a (Singapore) School


Lloyd T.C. Yeo (Academy of Singapore Teachers (Singapore) Teddy Sim Y.H. (National Institute of Education (Singapore) Keywords History Approaches to teaching history This article uncovers the alternative conceptions that students have of the study of Singapore during the Temasek period through students’ cartoons, in the process deriving implications for future teaching through an analysis of the work […]

Lloyd T.C. Yeo (Academy of Singapore Teachers (Singapore)
Teddy Sim Y.H. (National Institute of Education (Singapore)

Approaches to teaching history

This article uncovers the alternative conceptions that students have of the study of Singapore during the Temasek period through students’ cartoons, in the process deriving implications for future teaching through an analysis of the work performed by students. The discussions are drawn from a workshop session conducted by a History Master Teacher at the Academy of Singapore Teachers and cartoons from a selected batch of Secondary 1 students from a school that chose to participate in the learning of Singapore’s pre-modern (Temasek) history through the cartooning approach. The investigation of alternative conception demonstrates that students’ concepts of old Singapore can be affected—not surprisingly—to some extent by presentism in the categorical aspects of life identified on Temasek (architecture, religion, royalty, ordinary life). While it is pertinent to rectify students’ inaccurate alternative conceptions, teachers’ responses and class instruction should not devolve into an identification exercise of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ interpretations. Surfacing alternative conceptions creates classroom opportunities to induct teachers into certain aspects of the topic more deeply and to link the alternative conceptions of presentism to other concepts of history such as historical evidence, perspectives, as well as change and continuity, which allow students to better appreciate history along with contemporary issues of heritage.

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 Appendix 1 MB

Going Beyond Facts: Developing Conceptual Understanding in Young Historians

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Candice Yvette Seet Siew Yan (Loyang View Secondary School (Singapore) Teo See Hian (Loyang View Secondary School (Singapore) Amelia Yeo Jiaxin (Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School (Singapore) Keywords History Approaches to teaching history This article discusses the merits of the intentional use of conceptual lenses that spirals across the four years of a student’s secondary-level History education to […]

Candice Yvette Seet Siew Yan (Loyang View Secondary School (Singapore)
Teo See Hian (Loyang View Secondary School (Singapore)
Amelia Yeo Jiaxin (Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School (Singapore)

Approaches to teaching history

This article discusses the merits of the intentional use of conceptual lenses that spirals across the four years of a student’s secondary-level History education to develop conceptual understandings and powerful knowledge. By developing a concept-driven set of inquiry tasks that spans across levels, it allows repeated engagement with familiar first and second-order concepts, and opportunities for students to deepen their understanding.

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