
Tan Qian Hui

Authors List Ng Siew Fong
Volume 11, Issue 2 2022

Authors List Ng Siew Fong

Tan Qian Hui (Asia Research Institute(Singapore)) Tricia Seow (National Institute of Education(Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School Sustainability education should not only strive for pedagogical excellence, but also the formulation of transformative pedagogies. Whereas sustainability education denotes the transmission of sustainability-related content, the pedagogical or praxis-oriented dimension of sustainability education involves the curation of a conducive […]

Tan Qian Hui (Asia Research Institute(Singapore))
Tricia Seow (National Institute of Education(Singapore))

Junior College
Secondary School

Sustainability education should not only strive for pedagogical excellence, but also the formulation of transformative pedagogies. Whereas sustainability education denotes the transmission of sustainability-related content, the pedagogical or praxis-oriented dimension of sustainability education involves the curation of a conducive learning environment supported by an educator’s teaching philosophy (Hegarty and Holdsworth 2015; Taimur 2020). For instance, the Sustainability Learning Lab at NIE has devised signature pedagogies for sustainability education that are informed by a critical philosophy and actualised vis-a-vis a three pronged approach, that of (i) inquiry-based learning (with a focus on taking action), (ii) place-based learning (including field work and/or field-based learning) and (iii) technologically-enabled learning (through the use of, for example, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing).

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Ong Zhiqing(National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School In light of concerns over global warming, environmental education has been touted as a means of raising environmental consciousness and effecting transformative change. This paper evaluates the pedagogical affordances of gamification or game based learning in motivating pro-environmental action. In particular, this paper […]

Ong Zhiqing(National Institute of Education (Singapore))

Junior College
Secondary School

In light of concerns over global warming, environmental education has been touted as a means of raising environmental consciousness and effecting transformative change. This paper evaluates the pedagogical affordances of gamification or game based learning in motivating pro-environmental action. In particular, this paper focuses on the role that a physical card game called “Getting to Zero” can play in educating students about the trade-offs that Singapore faces in order to achieving net-zero emissions. It also offers some recommendations on how educators can better incorporate this game in the classroom.

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Goh Xin Fang (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School Action has been taken by governments and international organisations to address the global implications of climate change brought about by economic development that is unsustainable. In Singapore, climate change education is one of the numerous strategies mobilised by the state to mitigate […]

Goh Xin Fang (National Institute of Education (Singapore))

Junior College
Secondary School

Action has been taken by governments and international organisations to address the global implications of climate change brought about by economic development that is unsustainable. In Singapore, climate change education is one of the numerous strategies mobilised by the state to mitigate the negative effects of global warming. Climate change education is featured in the country’s Science and Geography secondary school curriculum. Meanwhile, this study aims to investigate what in-service Chemistry secondary school teachers think about their teaching practice and the outcomes of climate change education. The findings of this study can hopefully provide recommendations for strengthening Climate Change Education in Singapore.

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Karina Lalchand Sheri (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School Global warming is palpable in Singapore. Given that most classrooms in the country are largely affected by rising ambient temperatures, students are susceptible to heat stress, which undermines their learning productivity. This qualitative study sought to understand what six secondary school teachers […]

Karina Lalchand Sheri (National Institute of Education (Singapore))

Junior College
Secondary School

Global warming is palpable in Singapore. Given that most classrooms in the country are largely affected by rising ambient temperatures, students are susceptible to heat stress, which undermines their learning productivity. This qualitative study sought to understand what six secondary school teachers in Singapore thought about the adverse effects that climate change induced warming can have on their students’ learning. While thermal discomfort was a real issue to contend with, this study found that its effects on productivity varied across time, from student to student, and among schools. Instead of relying on cooling methods that involved the further use of energy/resources for temporary thermal relief, the recommendations/strategies for dealing with heat stress mentioned by the teachers were far more sustainable and contextually specific.

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Karina Lalchand Sheri (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School This paper investigates the impact of both Santo Antônio and Jirau mega dams on the downstream geomorphology of, more specifically, island and bar dynamics along the Madeira River in the Amazon. Water level data from gauge stations and remote sensing images from […]

Karina Lalchand Sheri (National Institute of Education (Singapore))

Junior College
Secondary School

This paper investigates the impact of both Santo Antônio and Jirau mega dams on the downstream geomorphology of, more specifically, island and bar dynamics along the Madeira River in the Amazon. Water level data from gauge stations and remote sensing images from 1990 to 2019 were deployed to make sense of the changes in the number, area and volume of islands/bars downstream of the dams. The data indicated that both Santo Antônio and Jirau, which are run-of-river dams have not had significant impacts on the area and volume of islands/bars found in Madeira River’s five reaches. A reduction in the volume of islands/bars was marginally more substantial than a negligible reduction in their areal extent. Trapped sediments behind both dams could have accounted for the slight decrease in island/bar volume. Overall, this paper opens up a discussion on the sustainability of fluvial/geomorphological features and water regimes, alongside the installation of run-of-river dams as an allegedly more sustainable alternative to other kinds of hydraulic structures and non-renewable sources of energy. Student-teachers who are taking tertiary courses in physical Geography, as well as A Level Geography educators are likely to take interest in this in-depth and well contextualised case study of mega dams in Brazil.

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Jean Lim Le Hui (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School The excessive use of disposable plastics coupled with Singapore’s low 4% recycling rate of plastic waste renders this a significant environmental problem (National Environment Agency 2022). It is widely acknowledged that public school teachers play a crucial role in inculcating environmentally […]

Jean Lim Le Hui (National Institute of Education (Singapore))

Junior College
Secondary School

The excessive use of disposable plastics coupled with Singapore’s low 4% recycling rate of plastic waste renders this a significant environmental problem (National Environment Agency 2022). It is widely acknowledged that public school teachers play a crucial role in inculcating environmentally sustainable best practices among their students. However, this paper demonstrates that (pre-service) teachers in Singapore are often not adequately equipped with the necessary knowledge to be effective environmental educators. It argues that a more rigorous teacher training program with an emphasis on eco-pedagogy, alongside an eco-centric curriculum can help with the management of plastic waste on a national level.

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Colin Leong Tze Yeen(National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School The effects of global warming are palpable and Singapore has begun the pursuit of carbon neutrality as a goal. Accordingly, the country’s Ministry of Education has launched the Eco Stewardship Programme in a bid to foster sustainable practices among students. Meanwhile, […]

Colin Leong Tze Yeen(National Institute of Education (Singapore))

Junior College
Secondary School

The effects of global warming are palpable and Singapore has begun the pursuit of carbon neutrality as a goal. Accordingly, the country’s Ministry of Education has launched the Eco Stewardship Programme in a bid to foster sustainable practices among students. Meanwhile, there has been a proliferation of lifestyle applications on smart phones, including those that are environmentally inclined. This paper explores the pedagogical potential of Adva, which is a carbon calculator application. It foregrounds how Adva can be integrated into the geography curriculum/classroom to augment teaching/learning experiences and ultimately, to incite transformative, pro-environmentalist action.

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Ayshathun Munavvara (National Institute of Education (Singapore)) Keywords Geography Junior College Secondary School A close examination of Tonlé Sap Lake reveals a paradox — its flood extent has increased despite a reduction in water volume. Agricultural intensification in Cambodia has led to unsustainable rates of groundwater use for irrigation. This paper postulates that land subsidence due […]

Ayshathun Munavvara (National Institute of Education (Singapore))

Junior College
Secondary School

A close examination of Tonlé Sap Lake reveals a paradox — its flood extent has increased despite a reduction in water volume. Agricultural intensification in Cambodia has led to unsustainable rates of groundwater use for irrigation. This paper postulates that land subsidence due to an over extraction of groundwater is the main reason for the lake’s paradoxical hydrology. Land subsidence has altered Tonlé Sap’s morphology (i.e. the lake has become shallower), thereby leading to an expansion in its areal extent. The hydrological complexities of the Tonlé Sap gesture towards the tension between the country’s need for economic sustainability (from cultivating rice) and that of environmental sustainability (sustainable use of groundwater resources).

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