HSSE Online


HSSE Online invites submissions from teachers, scholars, curriculum specialists and policy makers who are undertaking studies, research and other projects relevant to humanities and social studies education in Singapore. We are looking for article submissions of 1,500-5,000 words that will include:

  • Theory, research, and/or rationale to support teaching ideas;
  • Useful teaching strategies and suggestions, lesson ideas, teaching activities, resources, and other materials of high interest to practitioners (supplementary materials can be linked to the article).
    The journal is published by the Humanities and Social Studies Education (HSSE) Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Singapore. Issues will be published biannually.

Manuscripts should be submitted to suhaimi.afandi@nie.edu.sg. Details about journal strands, the review process and review criteria are provided below.

HSSE Online Strands

HSSE invites submissions aligned with the following strands:

  • Subject matter. Articles addressing humanities and social studies subject matter;
  • Pedagogy. Articles addressing teaching methods and strategies for humanities and social studies education (e.g., use of IT, assessment practices, interdisciplinary approaches, etc.);
  • Student learning. Articles addressing student learning in humanities and social studies classrooms;
  • Contexts. Articles addressing the contexts (e.g., local, global, economic, historical, etc.) of humanities and social studies education;
  • Issues. Viewpoints, analyses, and criticism of current issues related to humanities and social studies education;
  • Innovative ideas & approaches. Ideas and techniques for strengthening humanities and social studies education at all levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary;
  • Teaching practice. Insights and reflections on practice; and
  • Theory & research. Significant research findings, interpretations, or theoretical perspectives in humanities and social studies education.

Submissions should provide an appropriate blend of practical classroom application and theory.

Submission Information
  • Electronic submissions can be submitted to suhaimi.afandi@nie.edu.sg. Submissions will be acknowledged upon receipt.
  • Authors will be notified of editorial decisions. Acceptance is determined by the reviewers’ recommendations, available space, and balance of topics in upcoming issues.
  • Submissions should meet the following guidelines:
    • Be in MS word, 12 pt. font, double-spaced.
    • Follow APA 6th style format.
    • Include a title page with name(s) of author(s) and contact details.
    • Include the specific strand(s) for the submission.
    • Include an abstract of 150 words or less.
    • Length between 1500 and 5000 words including references.
Selection Criteria

The editorial panel will use the following criteria in reviewing submissions:

  • Relationship to strands: Does the submission relate to one of the journal strands?
  • Consistency: Do the title and abstract match the content of the submission?
  • Relevance/Significance: Is the content suitable and relevant to a broad audience (of teachers, scholars, policy makers)?
  • Appeal: Is this an article that you and/or the intended audience would want to read? Would it be informative, relevant, engaging, interesting? Does it make a significant contribution to the field?
  • Quality of writing: Is the submission well written (e.g., clear, well organized, meets conventions of standard written English with few errors, develops main ideas, etc.).
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